Dec 1, 2020 | Marketing, Tourism
Since the destination is open to receive tourists and adapting the format to the Covid19 restrictions, The Blueroom Project launched a familiarization trip organized by the Dubai Department of Tourism, Trade and Marketing (DTCM) with the collaboration of...
Nov 4, 2020 | Marketing, Tourism
Costa Rica is one of the few countries in the world that is completely open and requires neither PCR negative nor quarantine for passengers, whether domestic or international, entering the country by air. Taking advantage of this circumstance, last November...
Oct 10, 2020 | Communication, Tourism
The Pura Vida Awards, conceived and promoted by The Blueroom Project with Muy Interesante (Zinet Media) as editorial partner, aim to encourage, promote, value and recognize the efforts of those who actively research and work in the conservation and protection of the...
Sep 15, 2020 | Communication, Tourism
The journalist Cristina Fernandez, contributor to different leading travel and lifestyle media in Spain such as, stayed from September 10th to 13th in a property of the company specialized in vacation home rentals in Europe, Belvilla, as part of the...
Jul 4, 2020 | Blueroom, Marketing, Tourism
Following its strategic plan, The Dubai Tourism Board, has decided to strengthen its presence in the Spanish market through an agreement with Blueroom for the tourism promotion of this magical destination that opens its borders to tourism on July 7, 2020. In...