Rethinking and Redesigning Communication and Marketing:


“The rebirth of companies and destinations in tourism industry”

 It takes many GOOD DEEDS to build a GOOD REPUTATION, and only ONE BAD to LOSE it

Benjamin Franklin


No tourism expert has a crystal ball to predict the future, not even with “data-driven” studies, since the situation is moving at great speed, in the midst of constant uncertainty and with great volatility in people’s moods when it comes to setting plans, making consumption decisions or even responding to surveys, but what we do have very clear is how we can face the future with more guarantees: it is time to live  STRATEGICALLY.




As written by our beloved advisor, Rafael Alberto Pérez (1942-2019), renowned professor, professional, researcher and father of the New Strategic Theory – NTE, endorsed and expanded by experts on both sides of the Atlantic  



WE MUST LIVE STRATEGICALLY:  its long-term thinking that will enable us to make the most of every opportunity. Permanently and not merely punctually, visualizing the future in different stages and designing (and also correcting) action plans.

The objective is not trivial, is none other than ensuring that our clients are on the “bucket list” of SAFE and PREFERRED destinations / tourism products in all markets when travel returns to our lives, and at the same time that the professional tourism sector, the press and the traveler perceive them with a reinforced image and positioning regarthing other competitors. 



Creating new Articulable Strategies, with monitoring and updating systems, and Dinamic Plans quickly and smoothly adaptable to possible changes in scenarioss. Articulating and cooperative strategies are preferable to those based on confrontation and conflict. 



Time has come to design new TOURIST STRATEGIES for the next 5 – 10 – 15 years. Strategy is a biological phenomenon and, therefore, it is a natural phenomenon, not something to be artificially incorporated.



Focusing on the Strengths of the brand and thinking about how they can become differential values, what we bring to the user beyond a mere vacation, in this new period taking advantage of the Opportunities (safe, smart, ethical, sustainable, responsible, circular, with open spaces, refuge destination, family tourism, wellness, nature, adventure, sport, solidarity, slowlife, local experiences…).



Failure to anticipate means missed opportunities.


Take the opportunity to redesign the vision, mission, social commitment, tourism management… communication and public relations in general on the basis of these Strengths and at the same time correcting the Weaknesses inherited from the past. Rethink your brand, your offer and your new management with effectiveness and efficiency… and integrate your organization in participation bodies, public, private or associative, to receive information, exchange experiences and manifest that effective local integration to consolidate a destination/product.


Not only do we have to be more efficient, but we also have to think about our tourism product: what we are going to offer and how we are going to show it to our potential visitors, how to seduce them.



Invest in tailor-made research, exclusiveto you, depending on your needs and not based on external studies which may be skewed or partisan. Above all listen to your audience(your private sector, your community,tourism middlemen, media and journalists and of coursethe end user): the traveler. Receive feedback and be receptive to all suggestions.

Articulating and cooperative strategies are preferable to those based on confrontation and conflict.


Setting ourselves new ambitious but realistic objectives and also thinking that sometimes… less is more: more quality vs. quantity:


  1. Imagine different possible futures for our company or tourist destination and choose among them the one we want to turn into reality (or even avoid).


  1. It´s better to transform a relationship than trying to change the other.


  1. If you stop informing, communicating, entertaining and inspiring… you disappear, you isolate yourself from the world: Increasing investment in ethical, transparent, fresh, original, adapted, different, high quality, interesting communication and marketing, leaving aside everything that is superfluous and does not contribute… your brand will be boosted: many of the greatest brands we all know globally achieved their highest positioning in times of crisis because of their proactivity vs. reactivity balance.

Planning 100% integrated campaigns in which all your mechanisms (communication and PR, advertising, content, social networks, promotional marketing, web…) are fed back with a total coherence of key messages and look & feel to maximize results and maximize budgets. Taking advantage of the emergence of new media and channels in new on-demand television platforms, innovative out-of-home formats, interactive and multimedia on-line designs, and also the rebirth of high quality print media and high user loyalty. Trying to anticipate and making the traveler the absolute protagonist, seduce him and also incorporate his contributions in the whole value chain of your product. 


      • We are much more phenome (adaptation) and less genome (program) than is often thought today. What we choose to do (or not to do), in a strategic and tactical sense, determines our future.


        We have extensive experience and a reputable team of advisors, consultants and top-level multidisciplinary executives to provide solutions in the different areas of specialization required for this task.


        (*) Acknowledgements: for the inspiration, texts and academic reflections of the NTE, especially those by Rafael Alberto Pérez and by Alfonso Vargas-Sánchez